Photo: Eino Heinonen, helsinkikuvia.fi

The Finnish Olympic Committee

The Finnish Olympic Committee represents all sport and physical activity from grassroots to elite sport in Finland. It acts as one voice in organised sports. The new Finnish Olympic Committee started 1st of January, 2017, as a result of the merger of the Finnish Sports Confederation Valo and the Finnish Olympic Committee. The mission of the Finnish Olympic Committee is to energise Finland through physical activity and sport.

Mission as President

During his presidency Jan Vapaavuori aims to raise the societal profile and impact of the Olympic Committee, develop and modernize its functions and ensure sustainable resources for its activities. Beyond sports Mr. Vapaavuori believes that the Olympic Committee should be a catalyst for all levels of physical activity and inspire societal, cultural and economic wellbeing through increased level of physical activity for all.

More about the Finnish Olympic Committee: https://www.olympiakomitea.fi/briefly-in-english/