9.10.2019 Speeches Helsinki Impact Conference, Mayor Jan Vapaavuori’s opening speech Dear Helsinki Impact Conference speakers and participants, Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends, “It was the best of times, it was the...
2.10.2019 Speeches Helsinki improves English-language services According to the Greek philosopher Aristoteles, people move to cities to seek work and income, but they remain there for...
6.9.2019 Speeches Helsinki Design Week Opening Ceremony Dear Friends, How to save the world? We live in an era where only this question matters. We are the...
5.9.2019 Speeches World Tourism Federation (WTCF) Fragrant Hills Tourism Summit 2019 – Closing Speech Esteemed Vice Mayor of Beijing, Dear Secretary-General of WTCF, Excellencies, Colleagues, Dear WTCF members, Dear Friends, I am tremendously proud...
5.9.2019 Speeches World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) Fragrant Hills Tourism Summit 2019 Welcome Dinner – Speech Esteemed Vice Mayor of Beijing, Dear Secretary-General of WTCF, Excellencies, Colleagues, Dear WTCF members, Dear Friends, After a successful first...
5.9.2019 Speeches World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF) Fragrant Hills Tourism Summit 2019 Opening Ceremony at Finlandia Hall – Opening Speech Esteemed Vice Mayor of Beijing, Dear Secretary-General of WTCF, Excellencies, Colleagues, Dear WTCF members, Dear Friends, It is my honor...
27.6.2019 Speeches SEA20 – Helsinki and the Future of Maritime: City view & local development. Round table discussion, Mayor’s opening remarks. Ladies and gentlemen, The sea has throughout times been a source of identity, power and wealth. Maritime locations have played...
3.6.2019 Speeches EBAN Helsinki 2019 – European Business Angels Network, opening words Ladies and gentlemen, As a small nation, with limited natural resources, we Finns have always known that our success will...
29.5.2019 Speeches Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance Annual Meeting, Mayor Vapaavuori’s greeting Distinguished guests, It’s an honor and a privilege as a new member of the Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance to host...
3.12.2018 Speeches Breaking Waves 2018 Dear Friends, It’s my great pleasure to welcome you to one of the most important maritime cities in the world...
8.11.2018 Speeches HundrEd Innovation Summit Dear friends, dear education innovators, The purpose of education is to give every child the opportunity and tools to lead...
7.11.2018 Speeches EPP Congress in Helsinki Opening Speech Mr. President, Mr. Secretary General, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear European Friends, This morning as I was walking to the City...
10.10.2018 Speeches Preview Opening at Helsinki Art Museum HAM, Gilbert & George -exhibition Dear Gilbert and George, Dear supporters and friends of the arts, Freedom is the essence of good life. Freedom to...
10.10.2018 Speeches HAM Gilbert & George VIP preview Dear Gilbert and George, Dear supporters and friends of the arts, Freedom is the essence of good life. Freedom to...
12.9.2018 Speeches Helsinki Design Awards 2018 Award winners, Ladies and Gentlemen, One of my favorite ideas inside the Helsinki city strategy is the combination of the...
12.9.2018 Speeches Helsinki Design Week, Helsinki Design Awards 2018 Award winners, Ladies and Gentlemen, One of my favorite ideas inside the Helsinki city strategy is the combination of the...
8.9.2018 Speeches Welcoming the WTCF Summit to Helsinki in August 2019 WTCF Closing Ceremony, Qingdao Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good life – that is what it is all about. The...
8.9.2018 Speeches Building of Tourism City Brand, Case from Helsinki – The Most Functional City in the World Speech at Fragrant Hills Tourism Summit, Qingdao, China Main Forum (Keynote Speech session) Excellencies, Esteemed Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen, Last...
19.6.2017 Speeches Working session “Role of EU Single Market in the digital economy”, Riga Distinguished Ministers, dear friends, Digitalization means industrial revolution. It changes the world faster than any other phenomenon since the beginning...
19.6.2017 Speeches JASPERS’ stakeholders’ meeting – JASPERS’ Tenth Anniversary, Brussels “The future of JASPERS” Director General, JASPERS stakeholders, Dear colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, The various presentations of today have underlined...
19.6.2017 Speeches Civil Society Seminar with the EIB’s Board of Directors, Luxembourg Good morning ladies and gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to be here and a privilege to be invited to address this...
19.6.2017 Speeches The European Union: Imprint of the Latvian Presidency, Riga Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be back in Riga today to share with you my views...
19.6.2017 Speeches Astana Economic Forum, Kazakhstan Flagship debates: The new business climate for the private sector: what are the rules of the game? Ladies and gentlemen...
19.6.2017 Speeches Informal meeting of EU Ministers responsible for Urban Matters, Amsterdam Panel: How do we move forward on the EU Urban Agenda? Dear Ministers, Commissioners, Ladies and gentlemen, The Urban Agenda...